Monday, July 19, 2010

Worn out

On Friday I was chatting with another farmer and I asked how his wife was. His response could easily encompass all of us who travel into Chicago to sell fruit: Tired.
Yes, Tired. That one word is very accurate in describing the state of all of us this time of year. It is hot out, we are busy and it feels like the marathon of work will never end.
Where I come from though we rest on Sundays. Almost always growing up my family napped and took it easy on Sunday. We needed it. Mathew's family is not so much that way but we as a couple desperately need the time together and the sleep.
Looking ahead we have a busy calendar this week, there is something scheduled every night after work. I am glad we caught up on our rest. It was wonderful.

~a rested Christina

1 comment:

  1. Sunday is our day of rest too, and boy do we need it.
