Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Fair Times

Last night after work Mathew had to go to the LaPorte County Fair in Indiana. So I tagged along. This is where getting married can expand your horizons and make you go places you otherwise would stay away from.
I do not like fairs. Not really. It is a personal thing and growing up we stopped going to fairs all together when my 16 year old "baby" brother was 4 years old. What can I say? We had a bad experience. Which could explain why I clung to Mathew's arm last night as we walked through the crowd towards our truck.
My farm family however LOVES! the fair. They think it is like the best part of the summer and therefore are insistent that I will one day enjoy them. I am doubtful but I do like spending time with my husband so I go.
The LaPorte Fair is the first of three county fairs that "the store" has booths set up at every season. They take a bunch of tractors and lawn equipment to each event and a salesman stays at the booth and hands out literature and talks to the wonderful folks checking it all out.
In the evenings the rest of the employees/family head out after work and give the dedicated salesman a break. This is all very new to me...can you tell?
Anyway, Mathew was scheduled for last night and tonight so I am busy being nervous, bored, and intrigued all at the very same time.

Mathew's favorite thing is surprisingly not the food (he was very strong and continued to remind me that we do not have money budgeted for fair food) but all of the old tractors. We walked through them and Mathew dreamed of restoring his own machines while I took a few pictures. This is the front of an old Oliver tractor. The farm does not currently have one but I know that at one point they did. Normally we do not take pictures of anything with green and yellow paint!

~Christina (who is sorry this picture is a day late but it was a late night)

1 comment:

  1. I too dislike fairs. I'm glad, though, that you can enjoy spending time with your husband despite the fair.
