Monday, November 29, 2010

11/21/10 - Talking to the birds

I like this picture.
the end.

11/20/10 - A toast

At the end of a long season it is a tradition to have a party with everyone who worked markets. This year mom had all of the hard workers come to the farm and served dinner there. No end of the season party would be complete though without a toast.

~Christina...who takes pictures instead of toasting

10/30/10 - Gold Coast truck

Mathew had to run over to the Gold Coast (Division) for something so I sent my camera along asking him to get some pictures of their market. He doesn't even want to know how to turn on my camera so he didn't snap any pics but Cliff did. It was dark so the images aren't fabulous but here you can see the back of their truck.

Way to go Marc, Maritta, Al and other assorted workers for rockin' that market all year!

~Christina...who unfortunately can not take pictures everywhere because she can only be in one place at a time!

10/24/10 - My siblings

Thought I would throw a picture of my family on here, especially since over half of us in the picture work markets. them so much!

10/23/10 - Through the raindrops

Since it was rainy (meaning not busy) and I was exhausted from a long week and an early drive into the City I took a bit of a rest in the chilly (but not wet) truck. When I woke up I watched the action for a time through back window of the truck. It is an interesting perspective.


10/22/10 - The road home

This is the road we both travel every day. The road back home to our cozy little apartment. I love how beautiful it looks in the fall.

~Christina...who will likely one day live on the farm

10/18/10 - Wild grapes

Sometimes in farm country grape vines will take over in places you do not want them. They are not profitable by any means but they an be beautiful.

~Christina...who is posting fall pictures while the snow is falling outside

10/14/10 - Out with the old...

The landscape is changing at the more than one way.

This fall several older trees were dozed out but next spring new trees will be planted in their place. The "new" orchard will be more efficient and a good move overall but it makes me sad to see trees that are still living taken out.


10/11/10 - Light and Leaves

I love fall. This is one of the reasons why.

~Christina, who took that picture in the yard behind our apartment

10/9/10 - Politics

Our market was suddenly crowded with people that seemed to come out of nowhere. Why? Rahm Emanuel was the why. He had just left Washington and come back to the city to campaign as a mayoral candidate and he was at our market. Complete with fans, onlookers and reporters.

Tommy went to tell him what he thought of the City.
Mathew tried to tidy up our stand because of the camera crews.
I tried to make the best of it by selling to the unexpected crowd.

Such excitement.

~Christina...who has shaken Rahm Emanuel's hand

Saturday, November 27, 2010

10/04/10 - Rhubarb in the fall

The sun hitting the rhubarb plants as they turn color in the fall was just beautiful.
