Thursday, September 16, 2010
9/15/10 - Highway views
9/14/10 - Patriotism
I felt bad for missing my opportunity for a patriotic picture on September 11th....because like the rest of the world, we do remember.
Farmers are generally patriotic anyway, after all we attempt to feed our countrymen.
This image is actually of the flag that flies in front of Grandma and Grandpa Ellis' house.
~Christina...who is very proud to be an American
Monday, September 13, 2010
9/13/10 - Sudan Grass
Sunday, September 12, 2010
9/12/10 - Walnuts can be hazardous to your vehicles
There are signs in the parking lot of our local public library that say
"Caution Falling Walnuts Sept-Nov"
They always made me laugh and were in fact the first thing I thought of when I noticed the huge walnut tree above our garage. Needless to say they have started falling.
Good thing I don't have to park there.
~Christina...who wishes she had an easy way to sell black walnuts
9/11/10 - Pure air
THis year has been the worst for me as far as allergies and hay fever are concerned. Normally I just suck it up and move on but this year I haven't been able to keep up. I guess maybe moving to the country really did make a difference...
A week or so ago Mathew informed me that I needed to find a new air purifier for the apartment. I had completely forgotten that I had shared on with my sisters for years. When I got married my sister let me take ours for the winter but I had to return it in the spring. I researched them and then dropped several hundred on this lovely machine.
We are hoping that it will help me to breathe! We also hope that it will take care of the cigarette smoke that makes its way through the floor boards of our apartment...
~Christina...who is hoping it will not need to stay on the dresser once the air gets a bit cleaner
9/10/10 - The mower deck
Mathew has informed me that he is planning on making our lawn mower last for at least ten more years. Considering it is as old as I am that will take some work.
This week he has been diligent in fixing the deck. I am excited that it has new, sharp blades!
~Christina...who loves it when her husband mows the lawn for her!
9/9/10 - Storing apples
When I got to the farm after work Mathew, Mom and Dad were all busy organizing the barn and getting several bins of apples loaded to take to cold storage. That is very good news for those of you who like to buy honey crisp at the winter markets.
I told them they looked good in brown and navy.
~Christina...who climbed on the truck bed to get this shot
9/8/10 - Juice apples
With cider officially being pressed this is not the only bin of juice apples on the farm.
~Christina...I like cider very much!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
9/7/10 - Working Girl
My life has changed A LOT in the last year.
I got being married
I moved...even though I love my family, living with my husband is awesome
I switched farms...still miss the people at the other one but I am adjusting
Now I am beginning work full time for a local credit union.
I am currently in teller training, which is honestly not something I ever imagined doing.
I am excited about the opportunity and I sincerely hope that I will still be able to be a part of the farm. I love agriculture, I love photography and I like writing. I also love serving people and that is why I think the teller position will be a good fit for me.
I am transitioning over to "traditional" full time employment for many reasons that have to do with the goals Mathew and I have for the future...farming takes lots of capitol and experience you know!
All that said I am going to try really hard to keep up with the 365 Days of Farmlife project but it is proving difficult already. The posts may not come everyday like they did at first and a few of the images may not be from the exact day...I will put forth my best effort though. Oh, and more comments would really help! On the blog or on facebook I could really use the consistent knowledge that others are enjoying my work and my efforts are not in vain.
Thanks for your understanding and patience.
After my first day on the job Mathew and I picked some apples for a friend.
~Christina...whose wardrobe is transitioning from farm girl central to working girl
9/6/10 - Friends
After spending a day shopping with my uncle, aunt, sisters and awesome friend Liz I came home and made tacos for Mathew, Cliff, Cynthia and I. It was a fun Labor Day for sure and even though I was nervous about starting training the next day I had a great time enjoying so many friends.
Mathew announced that we were going to Sherman's for ice cream, that didn't really fit in with my plans for going to bed early but then again...
We hadn't been to Sherman's all summer, it felt like our last chance...
Cliff was up for it and we love hanging out with our "best man" (missed you Chantel)...
It's ICE CREAM, I love ice cream...
Needless to say we went. We had a great time. Thanks guys.
~Christina...letting her ice cream melt while she tries to capture the moment!
9/4/10 - Nested Crates
Personally I think that crates are much more picturesque than all the lugs we normally use. Crates also mean lots of apples. Hmmm, my favorite.
You know my crate attraction may also stem from the fact that I was more accustomed to them at my previous employment. Not to mention you don't have to flip them around until you get them stacked correctly.
Yes, the wooden half bushel crates are awesome!
Don't you just love how you can nest three together when they are not full?
~Christina...who is a little silly about these things!
9/3/10 - Wind Blown
9/2/10 - Rain
Friday, September 3, 2010
Pictures comming for Septmber
I have been taking pictures.
really I have.
I just can't seem to find the right time to upload them...and unfortunately this is not that time.
I will be back sometime after Saturday's market with all the catch up and some news. Hope all of my loyal readers (and who might you be?) can hold on until then.
really I have.
I just can't seem to find the right time to upload them...and unfortunately this is not that time.
I will be back sometime after Saturday's market with all the catch up and some news. Hope all of my loyal readers (and who might you be?) can hold on until then.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
8/31/10 - Honey is hot in here!
Yesterday evening Aunt Helga had us over for a wonderful supper. Mathew needed to help Micheal with his trailer lights and I had never before been to their home. In fact I didn't even know that it is less than a mile from the the farmstead!
Anyway, as we enjoyed the cooling temperatures outside and toured their absolutely gorgeous gardens they pointed out the beehives. It is actually too hot in the hive right now so many of the bees were hanging out on the outside. I obviously took a few pictures in the fading light and was surprised that I could even smell a few whiffs of honey floating on the breeze.
~Christina, who entertained some of the party with the 365 Days of Farmlife pictures ;)
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