Monday, August 30, 2010

8/30/10 - Asian Pears

Mathew is a good one to go out and test the ripeness of fruit.
He checked the Asian Pears yesterday...
then he picked a lug of them...
took some to my sister...
and brought some home.

~Christina...needs to try one so she knows what they taste like!

8/29/10 - Supper at home

Mathew and I have not eaten at home very much this summer (you know being at the farm and all so much) and we have even at our table together even less.
We miss it dreadfully and are looking forward to winter for that reason alone...(we tend to eat better in the winter).
But on Sunday Mathew said that I should make dinner for when he got home. was better than a date out.

~Christina...just in case you didn't know, I LOVE Mathew Gelder!

8/28/10 - Consulting the market list

When we return from market on Saturday's each market has to record what they brought back. Generally we do this when unload and count the lugs. Suzanne and Jim currently manage a market together so this is a shot of them consulting their binder on Saturday.

~Christina...who didn't feel very well and skipped her form this week, shhh

8/27/10 - Bountiful Harvest

Suzanne wanted some fruit promotional shots so we grabbed some shots real quick on Friday. The reason is simply because there was so much variety ripe at one time.


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Today - Golden Raspberries

Remember yesterday? You know when I had my honey drive me out to the golden raspberries and then I ended up posting an apple shot.
Well today I had to go back. I was strong as I drove past all the chestnuts and apples and bins, have I mentioned that I simply cannot get enough of autumn/apple season and all of its picturesque views? Oh yeah, maybe a few times ;) SO I only took pictures of the golden raspberries. They were literally glowing. The light on them is just pure awsomeness.

~Christina...who does like raspberries too, just not as much as apples

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

8/25/10 - Apple Season!!!

On our way home tonight I had Mathew take me by the raspberry patch to take pictures of the golden raspberries. They were nice, I took some good pictures of them. But then as I left I saw a beautiful sight! Apples all picked and gorgeous. I LOVE apple season! I mean really, it is my FAVORITE time of year.
SO you get to feast your eyes on apples in bulk boxes...yum.

~Christina...who loves sunflare, in case you hadn't noticed yet!

8/24/10 - Scary...huh?

Fruit has some natural predators. You know besides humans!
We must do everything we can to keep the bugs, mold, fungus, and BIRDS away from the ripe produce so that it can make its way to you. This funny looking beach ball type ornament thingy is one of the bird deterrents. It is currently at home in one of the blueberry patches.


8/23/10 - 1000 Words

So a funny thing happened on Monday.
Maybe funny, maybe not...hmmm...
Since a picture is worth a thousand words, I guess I have to write at least that because I don't have a picture for Monday. Don't get me wrong I did take several, I was even at the farm and had a few that I liked real well. But I don't know how to post one on the blog. That's obvious you might think...she does it all the time why should one day be different from the rest?
Well it is because I took them on my cell phone. Yep. I have succumbed to the pressure and joined the hoard of young people who document their lives on a phone!
It wasn't intentional...I didn't realize...ah, it is no use, I cannot explain it away...
It just seemed so convenient.
A few years ago when my family was getting new phones my dad called and asked if I wanted a camera phone. "No!" I said "why would I want to take low quality pictures on my phone when I have an expensive camera that takes beautiful images?"
Now I am beginning to understand.
Several weeks ago a good friend gave me her daughter's used phone. My very simple flip phone was falling apart and dropping calls so it was necessary to suck it up and switch phones. For a girl who dislikes change that was borderline traumatic. Just so happens it was a camera phone.
So on Monday while I was waiting on my handsome man to unload and then load fruit onto the flatbed I decided to experiment with the camera on the seemed harmless enough, and even kind of fun.
I even gave myself an assignment.
And I did another common thing and took a self portrait of Mathew and know, the kid where you hold the phone way up in front of you and hope you are actually in the frame. I love it. We are smiling so sweetly.
Then when I got home late that night I realized something. I had been enjoying the phone camera so much I never got out the big camera. So I got my phone and was going to download the images so I could post something.
One problem.
I don't know how to extract those silly pictures.
Really. This must make everyone doubt my competence.
I am still at a lose and since I refuse to spend enough money to have the internet on my phone I can't even email them to myself.
Maybe someday I will dig out the owners manual and figure this contraption out but until then you will have to be satisfied with my many words.

~Christina...who really does believe that the purpose of phones is to CALL people!

Monday, August 23, 2010

8/22/10 - Fueling Up

With as much as we travel around we use a lot of fuel. This is a shot of Mathew fueling up the flatbed on Sunday.

*Note: This picture makes me especially happy because Mathew is wearing his wedding band...I love the weekends! He doesn't wear the ring during the week because it is dangerous to have on when working with equipment.

~Christina, happy farm wife

8/21/10 - Peacefulness

Saturday was a crazy day for us. I was back on my North Center Market for the first time in three weeks and was excited about it. Unfortunately they were having a festival in our square! Everything was chaos. We were in different spots, people were confused, and they kicked us out early. We had to pack up an hour and half early and be out of their by noon! We are SO grateful for those of you who still found us! Next week I will be very glad to get back to our peaceful family market!
Anyway, when we got back home we were exhausted and my allergies were running amuck. We unloaded the truck and walked up to Grandma's to take a nap. We were supposed to go to the fair with my sister later so we rested. Got up took a shower and got dressed. When decided to watch This Old House before we took off I went back to bed. I really did not feel good.
He woke me up at 9:30 and said that I looked so bad he would just take me home...we were not going to the fair. That was wonderful, I am glad he takes care of me.
On our way to the truck I realized the camera had never made it out of the bag. Therefore I took this picture and it strikes me that it looks peaceful. So much more peaceful than earlier when there were trucks and people everywhere!

We went home. Went to sleep and slept as long as we could.



This is the birdhouse in Grandma's front yard. You can also see the apple orchard in the background...can't wait until apple season gets going full speed!


Friday, August 20, 2010

8/19/10 - First Place Eggs

It is fair week here in Berrien County...wait I am pretty sure I already mentioned that!
Anyway, Mary, my sister in love, took chickens and eggs to display and compete with.
We are very proud of her results which includes First Place on Mary's Eggs!!
So for all of you loyal egg customers, rest assured that you are getting the best eggs around!

*Note: Our chickens are not normally penned up like that...

~Christina, who was at the fair til late. Glad I got to see so many friends!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Hayfever Blues

I was asked the other day how I managed to marry into a farming family with allergies!
I laughed as I gulped down my Claritin and blew my nose. If you have ever talked to me in August you know that I like apple season a whole lot better than peach season, there are reasons for that and a lot of them have to do with allergies!
Every year in the second week of August I begin my miserable journey through hayfever time. The pollens are just too much for my sensitive immune system and I struggle to try and breathe through the heavy air of late summer.
For many years I have worked on farms without taking any kind of allergy medicine, choosing just to suck it up and blow my nose a lot! Last year I went back to taking Claritin and it helps some. My best bet is to just wait it out until the first frosts kill off my particular allergens. That normally happens in mid to late September so if until than I am in a bit of a fog you'll know why.

Kleenex, lots of water, Halls, gum and Claritin help me get through.
(Much of my hayfever is in my throat and nose so I feel better with something in my mouth)

~Christina, who did not even realize all of these things were blue until I set up the shot!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


One of Suzanne's jobs on the farm is to keep track of the supplies and make sure all the trucks are stocked properly for markets. She normally works on this on Monday morning and Friday. But because the same truck goes to the Tuesday and Wednesday markets she has to switch things out right after the long market day on Tuesday.

This picture shows the jam boxes and supply box in the middle of transit tonight. It you look closely you can make out Suzanne in the truck.

~ a very tired Christina!

Monday, August 16, 2010

8/16/10 - Shade Cloth

Yes, our happy chickens are free range but sometimes they need to remain in their pen for protection. The shade cloth you see in this picture protects them on especially hot days from the sun and provides safety from some wild predators.

~Christina...who had never chased chickens until she met Mathew!

8/15/10 - Shining tractors

It is fair week here in Berrien County and that means another booth for our local New Holland dealership. ;) Mathew took me along early Sunday morning...before he and his uncle and co-worker shined up the equipment. It looked pretty spiffy.
Berrien County has the largest youth fair in the Midwest!


8/14/10 - Aunt Helga

Corey was at a wedding on Saturday so I was shuffled over to the Oak Park Market for the day. I took advantage of the opportunity and snapped pictures while Aunt Helga waited on customers...she called me a name because of it.

Now that is service with a smile!

~Christina...sneaky photographer!

8/13/10 - Forklifts and Trucks

Forklifts and trucks make up a large percentage of our workforce. They are used constantly on the farm and there are generally enough of them to go around. Last week it was picking peaches and then rearranging for the help in the hot and muggy weather.

Just as a sidenote the "Brune" you see on the bin boxes stands for Brune' Farms which is owned by Bruce and Rene' and a part of Ellis Family Farms, LLC.


Friday, August 13, 2010

8/12/10 - Pear

Somehow in my farm photography adventures I have never captured pears. How can that be? So my wonderful husband took me on a pear tour.
What do you think of the results?

~Christina....who will probably not post over the weekend, you can catch up on Monday!

8/11/10 - Sunshine

I asked my mother in law what should be photographed on the farm...she said the strawberry plants. They were posted last week...she is a little behind on the pictures. We discussed what was happening and what you all might be interested in and now I have a few ideas stored up for "lazy" days when I don't know what to shoot. After she left I asked my husband if he would drive me to the blueberries for a evening shot. He did but I didn't last long because the bugs were eating me up!
I meant to post a picture of berries but this one was just so nice. I love sunshine. And sunflare just makes it even better :)

~Christina...who must have a high need for Vitamin D

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

8/10/10 - Relaxing?

Mathew has not been at home during the daylight hours in well over a week. He gets up and goes directly to work only to work on the farm, or go to a fair, etc right after work. This has been trying for us and add to that the fact that we were separated on Saturday and Sunday it was getting to us. With both of us exhausted and stressed I realized it is know wonder we were having a hard time communicating effectively.
Last night when I found out he was once again busy with tractor deliveries I decided I must do something! I was on my way to becoming either very angry or collapsing in sobs so I went to the beach.
Did you know that we have a beautiful beach not 5 minutes down the road? You wouldn't know it for the times we get there. I do believe that our last and only visit to the beach together was last Father's Day. No, not two months ago but rather Father's Day 2009. Bleak.
We have talked about going several times this year but never made it so last night I asked if I could just go by myself (I was never allowed to go alone when I lived at home). Don't worry I didn't go swimming.
It was the best thing ever. The lake really is relaxing and it caused me to wonder whether God chose those colors (blue green and tan) for the beach because they are soothing or if they are soothing because they are the colors of the beach.
I lay there and snapped a few pictures and listened and prayed and journaled. By the time I was finished I was in a much improved state of mind and ready to find my love. I still beat him home but he was home earlier and we actually got to eat together :) we also got to watch our favorite show, Dick Van Dyke, on Netflix and laughed some of our stress away.
Peach season continues and another fair commences next week but now I know that I should make more time to go to the beach!

~Christina...who is grateful a peaceful getaway is just 5 minutes down the road!

8/9/10 - Working Late

After a long weekend full of festival and then a long City Commission meeting on Monday evening I spent a couple of nights working late. Unfortunately I was not up to running around the farm to snap some pictures so you are all stuck with images of other subjects for a couple days more. We shall return to our regularly scheduled programming soon.
The picture is of my late night work station...for I often curl up in Mathew's recliner with my handy laptop to go over my notes and try to make out a sensible article.

~Christina...who had to spend quite a bit of time moving photo files around this morning!

Monday, August 9, 2010


Last day of the festival and while I was downtown gathering contest results I shot a few cruise in images. Not brilliant but kinda fun. I like going to the cruise in after church it is relaxing and everyone is socializing. I got to see some old friends and catch up a was nice.

~Christina...who then came home and wrote til 1 am


Saturday started bright and early for those of us going to market and those of us at the festival...Suzanne took off as well and it was interesting to be spending the day with my family instead of Mat's family.
The festival folks were involved in the Bike/Run/Walk events. I volunteered and took pictures for work. My amazing mother ran for the first time pushing our friend who is in a wheelchair. They did the 5K in pretty good time.
She pretty much rocks!

~Christina...who wants to be more like her mom


Beginning on Friday I took the weekend off from the farm. That means you will be forced to see a couple of images from my other life!
I cover my hometown's festival every year for the local weekly paper (I am a photojournalist/reporter for them) and really poured my heart into it this year.
Not only did I do my paper work I also volunteered at three different places! Yikes, I think that was too much. I am exhausted and afraid I am getting sick. Not to mention there is an early press deadline this week and this is my second night in a row up past midnight writing.
Besides missing my husband (he had a ton of other work) and getting so worn out I loved being involved.
Oh and the picture? There is just something about a color guard that I cannot resist photographing.



This picture is of apple leaves and a gorgeous sunset. Mathew picked peaches late that evening and Rene' was trying to rearrange the cooler. I had to deliver some Glads for my sister and this was snapped while waiting to go home. Needless to say the weed whacking at our house did not get done that night.


8/4/10 - Sudan Grass

No. We have not decided that grain is the way to go. And no, this is not corn...although it does kind of look like it when it starts popping up.
There were several patches of open ground on the farm and so they/we (I really had nothing to do with it) planted Sudan Grass. Now those open areas are turning green in a hurry as the grass grows taller.
The idea is for this grass to nourish the ground and add green manure.

~Christina...who so did not lay on the ground to get this shot

Picture for 8/3/10 - One Month

So this picture was taken from my view in the back seat after a long market day last Tuesday. By the time I got home I was exhausted. Then my computer was having space and memory issues and I had to delay the we been at it a month blog post.

This was the August 3rd picture and I started 365 Days of Farmlife on July 3rd. It has been an interesting month and the picture everyday thing is an interesting journey. I have learned that those here on the farm have little care about what I post. I could pretty much say anything they claim they are too busy to look at the blog. Since my goal was for customers to connect with the farm I guess that is okay...I guess.

Keep watching please I will continue to play catch up post!

~Christina...who is sorry to be so behind!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A post without a picture

I know that I am behind on posting the pictures from this week. Believe me I have been taking them but I have faced a few computer/Internet related technical difficulties...not to mention my hard drive is stuffed with pictures and does not want any more. I will post again as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.


Monday, August 2, 2010

Strawberries...? August

Okay so there aren't really any berries in this picture but to me even taking pictures of the plants in August is a bit strange. Some of our berry plants were mowed down already but this shot is of one of the new patches that were planted in the spring. We planted several acres of berries this year to better supply our need in the coming years. Hopefully next year the weather proves more conducive to strawberries than this year did.
On the horizon our peach and apricot trees. and if I had a fisheye lens you could probably see apples and cherries as well. Often fruit is not grown in huge blocks like grains but in smaller sections like a patchwork quilt using the same and varied fabric in a random but well thought out pattern.

~Christina...Strawberries are one of my favorites!

Man's best Friend

He misses his puppy.
That would be because Digit is not really "his puppy" and has to stay on the farm instead of coming home with us.
Yesterday when we went to the farm to have a small birthday celebration for Mathew he made sure to cuddle with the dog. It's a good thing Digit is so awesome because I do get rather jealous.

~Christina...his other best friend